Yes! You will receive an email with carrier tracking information when your order ships.
Do Altangle products come with a warranty?
Yes, the Hangar and Hangar Connect are backed by a limited lifetime warranty, while our other products come with a 1-year warranty. Please refer to our Terms of Sale for additional details. At Altangle, we value happy customers. If you encounter any issues with your product, please reach out, and we’ll explore how we can assist you.
Where do you ship to?
We can ship almost anywhere in the world. Standard international rates vary depending on destination country and are available on the checkout page. If you do not see a shipping rate for your country, contact us at and we will provide a shipping quote. Please also feel free contact us with any related shipping questions
What is your return policy?
We have a 30-day return policy and the item must be in the same condition in which you received it. With questions or to start a return you can contact us at
I have a question about my order. Who do I contact?
With questions you can always contact us at
Can I fly with Altangle products?
Yes, definitely in a checked bag… if you try carrying them on, please report back ;)
Are there any stores that sell The Bike Hangar?
Yes! The Hangar is sold in select bike shops and retail stores across the country. Check with your local shop to see if they carry it.
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